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this is a womyn, lesbian, trans*, inter, genderqueer, latinxs, BPoC, migrants ONLY workshop

12h- 16h 

Taller Teatro de lxs Oprimidxs “AQUELARRE” part1
(english below)

El taller pretende crear un espacio para expresar y compartir nuestras vivencias como mujeres, trans, LGTBIQ+ , latinx, migrante o BPoC, a través del teatro y la expresión corporal, (re)descubrir nuestras fortalezas, sanarnos, liberarnos de nuestras opresiones, y regocijarnos al poder ser más nosotrxs mismxs. Utilizaremos herramientas del Teatro de lxs Oprimidxs así como elementos de teatro ritual, teatro físico y mitología. 
Theatre of the Oppressed Workshop “WITCHES’ SABBAT"
The workshop aims to create a space to express and share our experiences as women, trans, LGTBIQ+, latinx, immigrant or BPoC, through theatre and body expression, (re)discover our strengths, heal and free ourselves from our oppressions, and rejoice in being more ourselves. We will use tools from Theatre of the Oppressed as well as elements of ritual theatre, physical theatre, and mythology.


16:30-19 h


The killing of political resistances in Latin America (talk)


Many political leaders, amongst them many women, have been murdered for being activists for social justice. Participants will talk about recent events related to it in Latin America.




@zona autonoma de produccion de conhecimento





El objetivo de este taller es utilizar la herramienta del grabado para mostrar/compartir sobre las luchas y resistencias que nosotres mismas hacemos y en las que estamos envolvides. aunque no solamente, ya que también podemos compartir y visibilizar las luchas que otras mujeres* y otres llevan a cabo desde sus lugares pero que de alguna manera están relacionadas con las nuestras. Luchas feministas y de mujeres* (también las que no se nombran como feministas) contra la opresión del capitalismo y el patriarcado.
la intención es que cada quien pueda dibujar una imágen y gravarla en linoleo para después imprimir esa imágen en papel y hacer una pequenia exposición que less participantes de Fuzarka puedan ver durante el festival.





 Engraving printing


The objective of this workshop is to use the  engraving printing as tool to show / share about the struggles and resistances that we ourselves do and in which we are involved. although not only that, since we can also share and make visible the struggles that other women * and others carry out from their places but that in some way are related to our own. Feminist and women's struggles * (also those that do not named themselves as feminists) against the oppression of capitalism and patriarchy. the intention is that everyone can draw an image and engrave it in linoleum to then print that image on paper and make a small exhibition that Fuzarka participants can see during the festival.



Una conversación sincera con trabajadorxs sexualxs. Queremos derribar prejuicios y tabúes en torno al trabajo sexual. Todas las preguntas hechas con respeto serán bien recibidas. Queremos hablar del estigma, de las redes de cuidado, de empoderamiento, de puta-fobia, de las diversas formas en que se puede ejercer el T.S. Queremos criar un espacio sexwork-friendly y invitamos a aliadxs, trabajadorxs sexuales y personas que quieren o les gustaría empezar a trabajar.(no-hombres-cis; marikas bienvenidxs)
También se hablará de la situación legal actual.
Lxs esperamos ! *


An honest conversation with sex workers. We want to break down prejudices and taboos around sex work. All questions asked with respect will be well received. We want to talk about stigma, networks of care, empowerment, bitch-phobia, the various ways in which sex work can be exercised. We want to create a sexwork-friendly space and we invite allies, sex workers and people who want or would like to start working as a sex worker. (No-cis-men; faggots welcome)
The current legal situation will also be discussed.
We are waiting for you! *



solo para mujeres, lesbianas, trans* y inter/ this is a womyn, lesbian, trans*, inter, ONLY workshop

taller no permitido para hombres-cis/marikas bienvenidxs


 no cis-men allowed workshop/ faggots welcome


28. July


@ casinha


12h- 16h 


Taller Teatro de lxs Oprimidxs “AQUELARRE” parte 2
Theatre of the Oppressed Workshop “WITCHES’ SABBAT" part 2

(this is a continuation of the workshop started on Friday)


16:30-19 h


The London Latinxs Workshop on Grassroots Organising and Direct Action


Formed in 2015, The London Latinx is diaspora group of Latin American intersectional feminists organising and taking direct action around issues affecting Latin Americans and migrant communities in the UK.During the workshop they will expand on the way they work and organise to get from bigger goals to direct and specific actions. Participants will be invited to work collectively to identify issues affecting Latin Americans and other communities of colour in their own context and how those could be addressed through direct action.*This workshop is for Latin Americans and other Black and People of Colour only*



this is a womyn, lesbian, trans*, inter, genderqueer, latinxs, BPoC, migrants ONLY workshop

This workshop is for Latin Americans and other Black and People of Colour ONLY

@zona autonoma de produccion de conhecimento



Oficina de Escrita Criativa


Primeiro observar, depois absorver. Primeiro expandir, depois comprimir.

Em todo caso, deixar-se surpreender com a artista que há em você.


Material: um caderno e sua caneta ou seu lapis preferido/a.


Emilia Mello é pedagoga de teatro e de circo, dramaturga e diretora de circo-teatro, por exemplo no Circo Cabuwazi. Ela escreve muito e com muito prazer, de preferência poesias e letras de música para a banda Rainhas do Norte, onde é também percussionista.


Workshop Kreatives Schreiben


Zuerst beobachten, dann absorbieren. Zuerst dehnen, dann dichten.

Auf jeden Fall sich überraschen lassen über die Künstlerin die in dir ist.


Material: ein Heft und dein Lieblingsstift.


Emilia Mello ist Theater- und Zirkuspädagogin, Dramaturgin und Regisseurin für Zirkustheater u. a. bei Cabuwazi. Sie schreibt gern und viel, am liebsten Gedichte und Songtexte für die Band Rainhas do Norte, wo sie mitspielt.



17- 19h


pussy resistance art making - "Se te abre con la concha"

Because there is not one like another, because they are beautiful in its own infinite universe -where you even find the origen of life, for this, and many other reasons we want to honor pussies. This workshop is to feel, to learn and to love pussies - even open your beer bottles with them.  (limited to 8 people)




29. July




Autocuidado Radical


Troca de ideias e experiências sobre auto-cuidado e amor-próprio, práticas autônomas para ficarmos bem e o que elas significam para nós. Criação de um espaço temporário de troca, apoio-mútuo e cura, onde criamos nosso “mapa” de suporte psico-físico para levarmos conosco. Um espaço para cuidar e ser cuidada. Para corpos e mentes dissidentes. Sem homens-cis.



Radical Selfcare


Sharing of ideas and experiences about self-care and self-love, autonomous practices for our wellbeing and what they mean to us. Creating a temporary space for sharing, mutual-aid and healing, where we create our “map” of psycho-physical support to take with us. A space to care and be cared for. For dissident bodies and minds. No cis-men.




Migradas: Cuerpos migrantes en proceso de sanación. 


Este workshop tiene como finalidad pensar nuestro proceso migrante desde El Cuerpo. Producimos en colectivo una instalación a manera de performance de sanación.

La instalacion se llama "Cuerpo Frontera". Performance en El que reflexionamos sobre la idea de Frontera desde nuestros propios cuerpos Como mujeres migrantes. Mediante está acción buscamos visibilizar las Fronteras que nos atraviesan desde El ámbito social hasta lo más  intimo. Nosotras somos: Sudakas Nómadas.

El colectivo Sudakas Nómadas nace en la primavera del 2017 en Berlín, con El performance "yo no me visto de negro y tampoco me pinto de Blanco". Partimos del reconocimiento de la experiencia propia migrante como detonador creativo.


Migradas: Migrant bodies in healing process.


This workshop aims to think about our migrant processes through our bodies. We collectively produce an installation as a healing performance.

The installation is called "Cuerpo Frontera"(Border Body). Performance in which we reflect on the idea of border from our own bodies as migrant women. Through this action we seek to make visible the Borders that cross us from the social sphere to the most intimate. We are: Sudakas Nómadas.

The collective Sudakas Nómadas was born in the spring of 2017 in Berlin, with the performance "yo no me visto de negro y tampoco me pinto de Blanco" (I do not dress in black and I do not paint myself in White). We start from the recognition of the migrant's own experience as a creative trigger.

workshop não permitido para homens-cis


 no cis-men allowed workshop


abierto a todos los generos/ all genders welcome

@zona autonoma de produccion de conhecimento




Hang out for Queer_Trans*_Inter*_Black_Indigenous_and_People_of_Color
This hangout can be what we need it to be in this moment.
It can be a space...
 …..we take in order to talk about what we perceived during the festival and a general checking in with each other
… order to just enjoy each others company
…..where we talk about being BIPoC and Latinx
… talk about mutual support and community as BIPoC Latinx
….to reconnect after the CutieBiPoC festival which took place last weekend
BIPoC stands for Black_Indigenous_and_People_of_Color. This means people who are descended (through one or more parents) from anywhere in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Indigenous peoples of Australasia, the Americas, the Caribbean, Indian Pacific, and Roma, Sinti (and) Travellers and people of mixed ancestry/origin. (This does not include either descents of Europeans who migrated to Africa, Asia or the Americas for occupational/colonial reasons or white European migrants).
 You can also come if you do not identify is Latinx ;)
(only for QTIBIPoCs)

Platica Queer_Trans*_Inter*_Black_Indigenous_and_People_of_Color
 Esta reunión puede ser lo que queramos y necesitemos que sea en ese momento.
Puede ser un espacio ...

... que nos tomamos para hablar sobre lo que percibimos durante el festival y para chequear entre nosotrxs como nos sentimos
... para disfrutar de estar juntx
... donde hablamos de ser BIPoC y Latinxs
... donde se habla sobre el apoyo mutuo y la comunidad como BIPoC Latinx
... para reconectarse después del festival CutieBiPoC de la semana pasada


BIPoC significa  Black_Indigenous_and_People_of_Color. Esto significa personas descendientes (a través de uno o más padres) de cualquier parte de África, Asia, Medio Oriente, pueblos indígenas de Australasia, las Américas, el Caribe, el Pacífico Índico y Roma, Sinti (y) Viajeros y personas de origen mixto ascendencia / origen. (Esto no incluye ni los descendientes europeos que emigraron a África, Asia o las Américas por razones ocupacionales / coloniales o blancxs europexs migrantes).

Tambien puedes venir si no te identificas Latinx;)
(solo para QTIBIPoCs)






Una mirada crítica al separatismo. Como el separatismo, el declarar a los hombres cis como enemigos es una posición cómoda, desde el privilegio y cómo invisibiliza otros sistemas de opresión como el racismo y el clasismo. El separatismo es también muy funcional al orden neoliberal, a un feminismo neoliberal, porque no analiza la dominación en su complejidad y se reduce a prácticas individuales. Dejar de relacionarnos con hombres cis como una apuesta de seguridad personal es neoliberal, porque reduce a una decisión personal un problema que es estructural. La idea es mostrar cómo para feministas/mujeres en america latina que sufren racismo y clasismo (como las indígenas y negras) el separatismo no es en la mayoría de los casos una opción, pues su lucha de liberación como mujeres está fuertemente ligada a su lucha por .la liberación de su pueblo (sea negro o indígena)




A critical look at separatism. How separatism, the declaringof cis men as enemies is a comfortable position, a privileged one and how it makes other systems of oppression such as racism and classism invisible. Separatism is also very functional to the neoliberal order, to a neoliberal feminism, because it does not analyze domination in its complexity and is reduced to individual practices. To stop relating to cis men as to ensure a personal safety is neoliberal, because it reduces to a personal decision a problem that is structural. The idea is to show how for feminists / women in Latin America, who suffer racism and classism (such as the indigenous and black women), separatism is not, in most cases an option, because their struggle for liberation as women is strongly linked to their struggle for the liberation of his people (whether black or indigenous).



solo para QTIBIPoCs


QTIBIPoCs only


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