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28th JULY- Sat

29th JULY- Sun

start 20:00
“PARE DE NOS MATAR – Stop Killing us!!!” by Negra Uri
Political artistic performance mixes Theater, Afro Dance and audiovisual, to denounce police violence against Black women in Brazil.From emblematic cases between the years 2014 and 2018, the actress interacts with the public making provocations on the subject. The performance claims for Justice and has in the song "Machado de Xangô" by Juçara Marçal, its inspiration and impulse to question. Wouldn't the black body exposed as an object an open door to violence? And why is impunity still the maximum certainty of the murderous police? Who killed Marielle Franco? Uriara Maciel, is a Brazilian Black woman, active as an actress, cultural producer, member of the Black Feminist Movement, and Curinga of the Theater of the Oppressed.

METAPORNORITO by Kupalua (São Paulo, Brazil)
Metapornorito is a performance-concert by Kupalua, it is a post-porn ritual connecting the sexuality to the cosmos, blurring the notion of sacred and profane. Kupalua uses the voice, eletronics, body and lazers making contact with outer space. 

Grieta Rambo is the solo project of Rocio Tirita, voice and güiro of the argentinian dissident cumbia band "Sudor Marika". The songs of Grieta Rambo tell stories of dissident bodies that agitate themselves into struggles, disrupt morals, vibrate with loves, sorrows and joys of these times, and also bear the worse of the human. Crato Rambo continues many of the aesthetic, ethical and political orientation held by Sudor Marika (see:, although it focuses more on the lesbian existence.

Mc, Dj, songwriter, music producer and activist in the last 18 years; She is the author of feminist hymns such as "Ventre Livre de Fato", "Negras em Marcha" (Black Women's Marching Hymn), "Lei Maria da Penha" (Awarded by UN Women), among others. Her show brings the new album titled "Favela", with sonorities that go from rap to Brazilian funk, from pop to trap always with polemical and political lyrics.


- DJ Grace Kelly - world wide dancefloor 
- Fercha - reggaetón mumbaton y cumbia
- Dani Black - World Fusion Tunes 
- Paria Mia
- Cigarra - Ágatha Barbosa 
start 19:00
Elizabeth Alicia Huehuentro
Violinista de 22 años, de origen Mapuche. Nacío en el centro sur de Chile, en la ciudad de Temuko. A los 9 años llegó un violín a sus manos y desde entonces a sido su herramienta de vida. Se dedica a la interpretación de la música desde los 15 años y a participado en diversas agrupaciones musicales, desde música de cámara , trabajo orquestal , música terapia, conjuntos populares, entre otros.
Antto Logy

Daniela Zaror

Victoria De La Parra
Dancing poet writing down a dyslexic otter's screams peeking out of her ears.

Teta Lirica
Lyric Tits is a performance-concert by Marie Carangi involving the friction between the body and the musical instrument theremin. The degree of the friccion between tits and antenna, associated with the velocity of movement generates variable sharp peaks resulting on a strident lyric singing.
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